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Manteena awarded University of Canberra fitout works contract |

The University of Canberra has contracted Manteena, as the Managing Contractor, to finalise design and undertake significant demolition & fitout works to Building 5, Building 6, Building 1, UC Lodge and the data centre.

The team is currently setting up on site, with plans in place to begin demolition within Building 5 over the coming weeks.

The package of works includes:

  • The refurbishment of Building 5 Level C (5C) – proposed to include a comprehensive redevelopment of the floor;
  • The construction of a new Student Representative Council (SRC) advocacy space–proposed within an existing cold shell tenancy on the Ground floor of UC Lodge, to provide a student-led drop in and advocacy centre for students;
  • The construction of a new Ngunnawal Centre – proposed within an existing cold shell tenancy on the Ground Floor of UC Lodge. The Centre will be a focal point for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students studying at the University of Canberra and provide a range of academic programs and pastoral support services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students;
  • The refurbishment of Building 1 Level C South (1C South) – proposed to include a minor refresh of space to accommodate up to 40 staff;
  • Building 1 Level C North (1C North) currently contains 170m2 of space designated for the Director of Student Life’s office, the Multi-Faith Centre and associated support services. The relocation of the Director Student Life’s spaces would offer improvements to the amenity of the Multi-Faith centre, with increased space, prayer wash facilities, and a kitchenette. The offices for the Director Student Life would be refined to maximise security and privacy, while connecting the spaces to existing student spaces on 1C North;
  • Building 6 Level B, Room 45 (6B45) is a former tiered lecture theatre, damaged from flooding in early 2018. The demolition of the damaged tiered structure is required to allow for the complete refurbishment of the space to create a modern flat floored teaching environment; and
  • Construction or modification of a space to accommodate a mini data centre.

This project reaffirms Manteena’s commitment to work collaboratively with the University of Canberra to undertake significant works on campus. The project is due for completion later in 2019.

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