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accreditation, cyber security, data security, high-security, information security, ISO 27001, personnel security, physical security, security

Manteena is delighted to announce that it has achieved ISO 27001 certification for Information Security Management Systems (ISMS). The certification and audit process was conducted by Equal Assurance.

ISO 27001 is a system of processes, documents, technology and people to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information, through a risk management process that guarantees the safe processing of data, thus providing peace of mind and building trust among all stakeholders.

Gareth Hunt, the Business Systems Manager for Manteena explains, “This certification provides high level validation of Manteena’s information storage and management practices across our Security and Commercial areas of the business”.

“It also provides clients with validation that their information is secure”.

Andrew Kemp, Manteena Security General Manager added, “We are now a construction industry leader with this certification, reinforcing Manteena as a frontrunner in delivery of security outcomes”.

The ISO 27001 certification further compliments Manteena’s recently acquired Department of Defence DISP accreditation and ISO31000 Risk Management certification.

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