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Contact Us

Manteena’s Modular Secure Enclosure (MSE) is a Zone 5 rated Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) that has been engineered to meet the increasing global demand for rapidly deployable modular secure facilities.

Assembled to meet all relevant building and security standards, this supply chain-controlled product offers strong sovereign capability to the high integrity physical security market.

Designed for rapid assembly by small discreet teams, it can be disassembled and redeployed at minimal cost.

The Modular Secure Enclosure is a fantastic solution for clients who have a need for a high assurance build, rapid deployment, short term lease, discreet installation, or minimal operational disruption. The RF shielded fully inspectable six-sided system includes plug-and-play services and has a low imposed system floor loading, allowing it to be easily deployed anywhere around the world while meeting Zone 5 security requirements and allowing for various rooms, shapes, and sizes.

Contact [email protected] to learn more about our MSE capability and how it can meet your secure building needs.