At the time of completion in 2011, Belconnen could boast the biggest skatepark in the southern hemisphere after Manteena redeveloped this dilapidated and out-dated skate facility and public space. The skate park is aimed to provide opportunities for the local community plus be suitable as a world class venue to host international events.
The project was delivered under the project management delivery model in a collaborative team approach with the designers, client, contractors and immediate project team.
The design component, managed by Manteena, consisted of the development of the preliminary sketch plans through to “as construction drawings”. This involved chairing several design meetings with the client, numerous stake holders and user groups represented by the local skate and biking associations (BMX).
The design process involved considerable management of differing views, opinions and desires to ensure the final product met the end users requirements, whilst meeting the ACT and Commonwealth Governments’ requirements for scope, budget and program.
Significant buildability input was provided by Manteena to assist in achieving the program and quality requirements. For example, input into concrete design by reducing the size of concrete bays and the introduction of key joints in critical areas to limit cracking. And managing the locations of differing concrete colours, to suit access limitations and assisting in the development of construction details.
The total timeframe for the skate park construction was 12 weeks. It consisted of 5 different concrete colours, over 50 individual concrete pours, custom shapes and angles, steel cast in skate elements, limited site access and tolerances of +/-2mm for complex curved shapes to form the skate elements.
The Corten® steel skate elements, various shapes, patterned coloured concrete and interesting landscape details provide an aesthetic value to a usually harsh environment of steel and concrete.
The complex hand finished concrete shapes required a high degree of skill and workmanship from the contractors, which exemplifies the project team’s attitude and commitment towards quality. Detailed quality management procedures assisted to ensure the client’s expectations were also exceeded.
The public realm consisted of shot blasted concrete, unit paving, off-form concrete walls and grassed/ planted areas; completed co-currently with the skate park.
Despite several setbacks associated with packages exceeding budget, the program and sequencing was reshuffled. A commitment by the project team and contractors ensured the program was achieved and within the client’s budget by $120,000.