The purpose of the JP154 Joint Counter Improvised Explosive Device Capability project (JCIED) Phase 1 Stage 2 Secure Storage Facilities project was to deliver new and refurbished, purpose-built facilities and associated infrastructure to support the introduction of a sustainable Counter IED capability into the Australian Defence Force.
The buildings consisted of four types of storage facilities across eight defence sites in VIC, NSW, QLD, NT and WA. The four different types of construction included:
- Greenfield site – Precast vault inside steel structure.
- Greenfield site – Steel cage in side steel structure with installed safes
- Blockwork vault and installed safes inside existing buildings
- Steel cage and installed safes inside existing buildings
Cost and program efficiencies were realised through the centralised production of building components that were then freighted to site for installation. Trades such as Demolition, civil works, electrical and in-situ concrete were engaged locally.
Manteena’s ability to provide baseline cleared project and site staff to complete the projects added value to meet SAFEBASE CHARLIE requirements. Additionally, Manteena’s detailed knowledge of secure construction and defence specific approval processes enabled all facilities to be commissioned and accredited either on or before program to support the introduction of this critical force protection capability.