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Museum of Australian Democracy


November 2020


SQC Architecture (for Remediation Works), Jands (for Pendant Mechanism), TTW (Structural Engineer)

As Old Parliament House currently serves as a museum, there are many parts of the building that are inaccessible for maintenance. During the Covid lockdown that commenced in April 2020, MoAD took the opportunity to undertake remediation works to the high level cracks in the Senate Chamber. In order to reach the cracks, Manteena were required to build a three storey birdcage scaffold in the Chamber while protecting all of the furniture on the ground.

Once accessible, the works involved removal of lead paint, render remediation, timber remediation to the 12 widows which had been covered since 1970s.

Following the works, the five chandelier pendants were upgraded from the original hand winched system in the ceiling, to a mechanical winching system which now allows for servicing from the ground by the push of a button.

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