Manteena is committed to excellence in both the built product we produce and the management practices that are used to achieve these results.
Accordingly, Manteena operates an integrated quality, work health, safety and rehabilitation (WHSR), environmental and industrial relations management system as a single entity which underpins the project management plans we prepare for each individual project.
Manteena holds 3rd party certification by the Joint Accreditation System of Australia and
New Zealand, for its integrated management systems comprising Occupational Health and Safety AS 45001:2020, Quality Management System ISO 9001:2015 and Environmental Management ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 27001:2013 for Information Security Management Systems (ISMS). All systems are underpinned by Manteena’s Risk Management system which is audited to ISO 31000:2018.
Manteena maintains accreditation with the Office of Federal Safety Commissioner (OFSC),
Best Practice Accreditation with the NSW Department of Finance and Services,
in addition to pre-qualification for Design and Construction Services with the ACT Government.